Chinese Astrology consultation

349.00 N/A

Your Destiny chart or Bazi chart helps you get to know your potential in the fields of finance, relationships, work and health.

If you have a specific question at this point in life or you would like to have some more insights in your strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities that can come to you in life, book your Destiny reading (Chinese Astrology Consultation) with us.

Possible questions that can be answered based on a Destiny reading are:
– What is my life purpose?
– What are my (hidden) talents and qualities and how can I best use them?
– I am facing an important choice/decision in my life, which direction is the best option and when is the best time to do it?
–  I like so many things and can do a little bit of everything, what can I focus on best, to be happy and successful?
– Which activities help me to feed my energy and which ones should I not do?
– In which environment do I thrive best?
– In which period of my life do I have the most opportunities?
– What health challenges can I expect and how can I arm myself against them?
– Why are there miscommunication between me and my children/partner/colleagues?
– When are there financial opportunities for me and how can I best capitalize on them?
– Any other question you have

After booking your consultation we will get in touch with you within 3 working days for collecting the information to do the consultation.

A consultation consists of:
– A personal profile analysis and an answer to your specific question
– A short written report
– A Zoom call in which we discuss our advice with you.
– A recording of this Zoom conversation so you can listen to it again.

A Destiny reading (or Chinese Astrology consultation) can give you peace of mind, focus and clarity about what suits you best at the moment and the best next step to take now.


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